After translation proteins within the ER make sure that the protein is folded correctly.
Fluorophore activation occurs through an autocatalytic cyclization reaction that occurs after the protein has been folded correctly.
Trimming and splicing both require the precursor tRNA to be correctly folded in its cloverleaf configuration.
I have a small enchantment that can fade the ink and give the parchment, once it is correctly folded, a deceptive look of age.
When the cytosolic domains are found to be correctly folded, the membrane protein will pass to a second checkpoint where the luminal domains are monitored.
If the protein is correctly translated, the chance of it being correctly folded before it encounters MNS1 is high.
These experiments as well as others having begun to elucidate both the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of misfolding as well as how the cell recognizes if proteins have folded correctly.
But when produced by genetically modified bacteria or yeast, the protein is often not folded correctly.
A complex of binding proteins facilitate in ensuring the T-loop is correctly folded during and after each round of replication.
As a protein approaches its correctly folded, native state, entropy and free energy will decrease.