Similarly, Captain Cargill is correctly depicted wearing a pair of gold bars, indicating the rank of Captain at that time.
The venue depicted for the Second Continental Congress is, however, correctly depicted as the Pennsylvania State House.
Trouble for Cityspire "At the time of purchase in July of 1982," he said, "the boundaries of the special district were correctly depicted and dimensioned on the zoning map."
The fore grand staircase is depicted correctly for the most part, aside from some inaccuracies in the D and E deck landings, but in the aft grand staircase there is no clock present on the A-Deck landing.
This part of the image was correctly depicted on the two-dollar bill version.
In addition to the lighting system not being depicted correctly, the airport's location was charted approximately 116 meters to the North of its actual position.
Exeters chaplain is also correctly depicted wearing a civilian dark suit and clerical collar; it was not until later in the war that naval chaplains adopted military uniform as a security measure.
It is also the subject of Shipwrecked Mariners, a painting by English Romantic landscape painter Joseph Mallord William Turner; the painting uses his sketch of Criccieth Castle but, although the rock is depicted correctly, the building is a mirror image.
Prior to the Huntington Advertiser's demise, the combined Sunday newspaper was referred to as the Herald-Advertiser, correctly depicted in the movie We Are Marshall.
The sentimental protagonists of the 1740s had already surprised their readers and aroused a debate whether human nature was correctly depicted with these new novels.