When correctly calibrated, the device can measure these subtle differences.
On the occasional nights when their speed, enthusiasm and confidence are all calibrated correctly, the Islanders can be fun to watch.
If correctly calibrated, the light will manage to jolt you into awareness without actually waking you up, thereby bringing about lucidity.
Or that we haven't calibrated correctly.
This is what Mitt Romney sounds like when his circuits aren't correctly calibrated.
To make things worse, I found that my speedometer was not calibrated correctly and I had been cycling only two thirds of the distance I thought.
In a correctly calibrated system, each component will have a specified gamma for its input and/or output encodings.
Jadzia reexamined each tool on the tray, making certain that the hypospray had been correctly calibrated and that the neural sensors were transmitting properly.
Howard's head nurse was busy overseeing the administrative duties, and making sure that all the medical equipment was correctly calibrated.
The application equipment must be correctly calibrated and properly used.