The differences using different correction methods were found to be very small (less than 5%), and did not influence this study.
The taping approach can involve either adhesive tape and a splinting material, or only adhesive tape; the specific deformity determines the correction method.
Also, the 2011 test received tough critics for its correction methods: many people complained their grades were arbitrary; a case became famous after one student went to federal court and requested that his written essay should be corrected again.
Mathematically advanced correction methods have to be developed for these noninvasive technologies in order to fulfill accuracy and clinical acceptance:
Note that this correction method does not incorporate how to handle complex values of or .
The preceding section discussed traditional error detection and correction methods, mostly applied to typographical spelling errors.
The encyclical asks, why faithful good Catholics become schismatic and concludes, that month long unending re-education courses and physical and psychological correction methods were inhuman but effective.
Another fairly straightforward correction method is to use a weighted mean to properly account for the relative contributions at each magnitude.
In addition, epsilon units will normalize the initial ratios to CHUR, thus eliminating any effects caused by various analytical mass fractionation correction methods applied.
The correction methods, depending on the distributions of the x and y variates, differ in their efficiency making it difficult to recommend an overall best method.