Its letters patent used the misspelled "Salomée", which was not corrected until 1986.
Label sources indicated the initial price was a mistake, but could not be corrected until midday 1 October.
Galland asserted that the lack of instrument training had not been corrected until late in the war.
The charge for the waiver was put on her credit card anyway and not corrected until the following month.
Spacecraft attitude was problematic during the entire climb, and not corrected until the start of re-entry.
The agency said the problems were not expected to be corrected until fall at the earliest.
The misspelled name of the post office was not corrected until February 20, 1890.
This was not corrected until the 1990s and many individual cases remain unresolved.
The report said that problems with the plane's electronic defenses, which will not be corrected until 1991, have significantly reduced its capabilities.
Mistakes made in a spreadsheet may go unnoticed and not get corrected until the end of the year.