If you pick the correct target, they will come.
Crews would return with only their word as to the amount of damage caused or even if they had bombed the correct target.
Yet, introducing too much deformation drastically reduce binding probability to the correct target.
"What we don't know yet is whether the fibers are growing back to the correct targets," Dr. Ricuarte said.
Additional time would be required to shift attention away from the false target to the correct target.
They usually dumped everything on one pass, and the effect, if they were on the correct target, could be devastating.
The aircrew could watch their aircraft on a display as it flew to the correct target.
Spotting men clad in military uniform, he was certain he had located the correct target.
The correct target for this retaliatory raid could not be agreed upon, however, and all the talk came to nothing, as I had surmised it must.
Do not blame on me your inability to identify the correct target.