I guess there is no correct syntax to express it.
A phenomenon unique to text-based games, syntax quests depend on guessing the correct syntax to use to carry out a (typically simple) operation.
Function source code is not accessible to the end-user, but the correct syntax is defined in a script file called nwscript.
However, one aspect I did like is the way you can select merge codes from menu choices rather than having to remember the correct syntax yourself.
In such case, either "Tu" (but not both) can be eliminated to form correct syntax.
I am routinely appalled by writing that is not edited for correct syntax beyond these computerized quick fixes.
What is the correct syntax for deleting via the Terminal application?
- Prior to 8.0, was not supported with the correct syntax using commas.
Statements were analyzed for correct syntax as they were entered and then stored in semi-compiled form.
The language is not clearly defined in terms of operator priorities and correct syntax, but several functioning interpreters and compilers already exist.