They had delivered the correct total quantity of tins but half of them were packed in cases of 24 tins each.
In order to assure the correct quantity of seeds, seed distributors added a safety margin to the packed weight.
To ensure proper temporal differentiation as well as correct quantities of glial cell formation, gliogenesis is subjected to stringent regulatory mechanisms.
Friction is not the correct quantity for which to look.
In this case the division by "p" in the last formula is not a numerical division either, but converts a dimensionless number to the correct quantity including unit.
Given Planck's quantization rule for the harmonic oscillator, either condition determines the correct classical quantity to quantize in a general system up to an additive constant.
The correct quantity of water in the concrete is critical.
This means that at the model , the estimator sequence asymptotically measures the correct quantity.
Though Iza had explained many times how to estimate the correct quantity, Ayla still wasn't sure how many to use for the ten mog-urs.
Certified base has correct quantities of all the above sizes so that it will compact to at least 95%.