A tuner must have great skill in his/her work to manage to make the notes sound both good and at the correct pitch.
The higher finger then plucks the string while the lower one stays on, thus producing the correct pitch.
A player with a modern instrument must provide the final transposition to the correct pitch.
Basically, a Koudi has two octaves, but it is not easy to get on the correct pitch.
In whole phrases she only approximated the correct pitches.
As with all non-fretted string instruments, performers must learn to place their fingers precisely to produce the correct pitch.
Note that the word used is 'ideal rather than'correct, since the correct pitch may be influenced by other factors.
Overblow notes are naturally flat but can be bent up to the correct pitch.
Errors are measured in semitone deviations from the correct pitch.
When the tone hit the correct pitch, he gently shoved the row of levers slowly downward.