Upon receiving the correct payment for the call, the pay phone would then connect the microphone and allow the caller to speak.
You may also need to create a list of all your expenses, debts, and loans so that the correct payments are allocated for each.
Please note that if the correct postal payment is made, we will return your documents by FEDEX:
Please ensure you submit the correct payments in the correct way.
Companies have the right to receive correct full payment as and when due.
(They realize, of course, that without her the gods can't endure; so their insistence on correct payment is inspired by a desire to bring Wotan down.)
First time applications must be submitted, in person, to Amman, with the correct payment and documents.
The sales tax laws and rates are so convoluted that they would end up spending many millions to provide only a rough estimate of the actual "correct" payments.
A revenue leakage is typically attributed to when a telco organization is unable to bill correctly for a given service or to receive the correct payment.
Even supposing that employers had understood the economic advantages of correct payment and their legal obligations, difficulties are insurmountable.