The ring of attentive troopers delighted in correcting the occasional mistakes and omissions Alphonso made.
As a gifted engraver, Houbraken wished to correct mistakes and omissions in these earlier works, while updating biographies with engraved portraits of artists.
Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders, and the publishers will be happy to correct mistakes or omissions in future editions.
HMRC can correct obvious errors or omissions in your company or organisation's:
Law that regulates the process for correcting textual errors or omissions that may have occurred in the text of a law passed by the Knesset.
Someone will have to correct my errors and omissions as I'm not an expert on the subject and am sure I've missed or incorrectly placed some information.
Part VI of the Act is concerned with miscellaneous and supplementary sections, such as correcting omissions in previous pieces of legislation.
On January 8, 2007, modifications to the report corrected some errors and omissions.
History, I am sure, will correct these errors and omissions and will shine the light of truth on these events.
Among other things, the complicated nature of the undertaking meant that once a volume was printed, it was impossible to correct early omissions and errors.