Graphium (Pazala) glycerion Gray is considered by some as the correct nomenclature of this butterfly.
All four of the guidebooks published to date on the subject of state highpoints have used the correct nomenclature.
Hence, although our own behavior contributes to the problem, we are reluctant to apply the correct nomenclature to the victims because that would show our culpability.
However, when the distinction is important, the following is the correct nomenclature.
At that time there was confusion as to the correct nomenclature of the limpets found on the different sub-Arctic islands in the southern Indian Ocean.
Nevertheless, the rhythm, stress, and intonation are present in his works, regardless of his knowledge of the correct nomenclature.
A synchrophaser is also commonly referred to as prop sync, although that is not entirely correct nomenclature from a technical standpoint.
The correct nomenclature for this ethnic group is actually Bru although the name reang was accidentally incorporated by the Indian government during a census count.
Neither is 'garden' our correct nomenclature for an artificially created world.
That is exactly what their correct archirectural nomenclature is - flying buttresses!