It's worth checking to make sure you're using the correct classification, as toys and games may be interchangeable terms for some people.
If you cannot find the correct classification in one category, it's a good idea to check the other.
You are legally responsible for the correct classification of your goods, even if you use an agent.
There is much controversy in the hobbyist community about the correct scientific classification of this animal.
The basic assumption for a key account management model is the correct classification of the key accounts.
There is considerable uncertainty over the correct classification of several members.
In a binary classification task, correct classifications can be 00 or 11.
Finally, using the combined data, accuracy for correct classification was 96.43%.
Be aware, however, that finding a name of a product does not guarantee a correct classification.
For example, you may need to consider two or three different Tariff headings at the same time before identifying the correct classification.