(Iron supplements are another option for correcting anemia.)
Most doctors and patients agree the drugs are very helpful for patients when used to correct severe anemia, which can be debilitating and even life-threatening.
Blood transfusions are given as needed to correct anemia and hypotension secondary to hypovolemia.
When taken by these patients, chitosan may reduce high cholesterol; help to correct anemia; and improve physical strength, appetite, and sleep.
Iron supplements, available without a prescription, are an important part of correcting anemia caused by fibroid blood loss.
A synthesized kidney hormone can correct debilitating anemia in people with AIDS and cancer, researchers have found.
Therapy may be required to correct hemolytic anemia in patients with chronic cold agglutinin disease; chlorambucil, with or without prednisone, is the mainstay.
Half the patients were randomly assigned to a conservative transfusion group, which got only enough blood before surgery to correct anemia, an average of 2.5 units.
Dr. Steensma said he was still comfortable using the drugs to correct severe anemia, but added, "I think we need to be real careful about going beyond that."
Transfusion therapy may be needed; in addition to correcting significant anemia, this suppresses the production of PNH cells by the bone marrow, and indirectly the severity of the hemolysis.