One possibility was that the static pressure system or altimeter was malfunctioning and not allowing display of the correct altitude.
Then send the bird away right off the casing, to the correct altitude, and let the missile's own radar in the nose cone do the rest.
These will be boosted to the correct altitude and put into service in case of a satellite failure.
Skeeter climbed and settled in at the correct altitude, taking his cues from me.
Following its instructions they jockeyed the Apollo into the correct altitude for firing.
We proved by the flight data recorder, however, that he was flying at the correct altitude.
Skin heat was okay, the shuttle was responding smoothly to the helm, and they were at the correct altitude, dropping as programmed.
The birds' pressure sense could be used not only to predict the weather, but also to maintain the correct altitude when in flight.
Missile takes last look at its position and position of target, and rises or drops to the correct altitude to deliver bombs.
Colonel Schell said the C-141, flying at 35,000 feet, was at the correct altitude for its northwesterly direction.