Some Gypsies bury a corpse wearing its clothes inside out.
They had examined little more than its garbage, but all the corpses wore wounds.
The corpse wore a long, dirty white robe of thin material, like a summer nightgown.
By now everyone had noticed that the corpse wore no underwear.
But she might dwell a bit too long on what the corpses in First Class were wearing.
Catrelle shows him the necklace that the corpse is wearing, and Dawson collapses in grief.
The corpse was wearing a demure dress that covered it from neck to ankles.
From the clothes the corpse wore they knew it was Galanis.
The only meaningful question to pose is, what color T-shirt should the corpse be wearing, to stay cool for as long as possible?
The identification was made through her blue-and-white dress and from engraved jewelry the corpse wore.