The two pathetic corpses, a man and a woman, slumped in their ghastly final throes.
He looked like a corpse slumped there on the dirty, unmade bed, his limp arm stretched out, a drop of blood slowly gathering at the elbow.
Blackened corpses still lay behind some of the tanks and slumped in bunkers.
His corpse slumped slowly to the ground.
Gretchen's corpse still slumped against me, but she'd stopped sliding downward: one of her legs had got wedged under the wooden thwart where I'd been sitting to row.
The corpses slumped back into the pool.
The corpse slumped to the ground.
With a grunt, Moichi pulled the push-dagger free, and the corpse of Dujuk'kan slumped to the landing.
He wanted to look away, but the corpses were everywhere, draped over chairs and slumped at the bases of consoles.
Motor control gone, the corpse slumped into death in spasmodic quivers.