However, two large Confederate corps attacked them from the northwest and north.
Combined Corps finally attacked the 2nd Army, but the attack was easily stopped.
At this point, Vandamme's small corps, which had moved into position in the night of 24 March, attacked from the rear.
D'Erlon's corps would then attack Wellington's left, break through, and roll up his line from east to west.
Each corps would attack at dawn, 3.25 a.m., with two divisions each.
Three corps would attack Lee's defenses at the northern, or left, flank while a fourth would strike the southern flank to hold it in place.
Suarez' Corps reached Chorrillos and attacked the incoming Chilean forces.
Meanwhile, the Soviet 97th Corps attacked the Finnish 3rd Brigade's positions but gained little ground.
Ney's larger corps attacked Riesch's corps at Elchingen on the north bank.
The Second Corps then attacked eastward into Tunisia.