Some corporations are sending their employees to professional image consultants, who often work on language and communications skills as well as appearance.
And increasingly, corporations are sending their outbound employees to these clinics to prevent or treat infectious diseases.
If the rats get any weapons it's from logistics ships that the corporations send to the Belt.
Your corporation sent him here, Caspar, and it's your responsibility to keep him under control.
He added that it could mean that wealthy donors and corporations would send their checks to the state parties instead.
The company has grown rapidly in the last five years, he said, as more and more corporations send management trainees to the Carnegie course.
"Large corporations send employees to Apollo's schools at big discounts to the price they would pay for traditional university educations."
If a corporation sends in a check to help the good work of the Tammany Society, why shouldn't we take it like other missionary societies?
Meanwhile, some corporations are sending their employees to professional image consultants.
And corporations are increasingly sending their employees for this service, Mr. Aronin said.