As the corporation grew, its original mainspring, Time, became less and less important, at least to the company's profits.
As corporations grew and labor rates increased, the ratio of secretaries to employees decreased.
Over time, a big corporation grew around the business of putting out newspapers.
These corporations are growing almost helter-skelter, without people who know the field or know kids.
That corporations have grown so big they have superseded government.
As the corporation grew, she became executive vice president and treasurer of the four companies it comprised.
As corporations grow larger the premium for the individual trying new things grows smaller and the cost of making mistakes higher.
The corporation grew over time and was at its pinnacle in 1952.
As the profits of the great corporations grew, so the value of their shares went up, with more people competing to buy them.
That, in turn, could increase political influence and help a country's corporations grow.