The corporation, founded in 1890, produces a wide assortment of confectionery products.
Creative Commons itself is a nonprofit corporation founded in 2001.
Vigatec is a Chilean corporation founded in 1980.
After almost two decades, the Government has still not received a penny of repayment from the owner, a nonprofit corporation founded by a group of ministers.
Panacos Pharmaceuticals is a Delaware based pharmaceutical corporation founded in 1999.
Blue Dolphin Energy Company is a public corporation founded in 1986 with interests in oil and natural gas.
For an example of the independent type, the Erie Canal Museum "is a private, nonprofit corporation founded in 1962.
It is a privately held corporation founded in 1987 by its former Chairman, Penny Pritzker.
Human Genome Sciences is a biopharmaceutical corporation founded in 1992.
They include public-benefit corporations founded by the state and by private entities.