The longer a corporation can extend copyrights, the longer it will thrive and try to keep that work out of the public domain.
"Dean Levin is the only person to whom the corporation extended an offer," he said.
As European banks and corporations extend their reach, they are increasingly making English their official language.
Thus the demand for the new machines and wax records grew apace as the corporations organized to handle the business extended their lines.
Other sources of external debt arise where non-residents purchase local bonds, or a non-resident corporation extends credit to a domestic corporation or establishes a subsidiary plant.
Also, many large corporations, nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, and some Westchester municipalities, have extended benefits to domestic partners.
Among other things, the corporation extended its small leasing business into an international operation that by 1973 was the world's largest, supplying everything from jumbo jets to gumball machines.
The case also provided an opportunity for extensive discussion of how far the "corporations" power might extend.
On Thursday, the corporation extended design development into summer or fall, as necessary.