Save Our Ships New York, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the preservation of historic vessels in the state, is working with the owners to collect public donations.
Boras, who earns 5 percent commission on contracts, also has branches of his corporation dedicated to personal finance, marketing, sports psychology and nutrition and fitness.
The Fund for the Borough of Brooklyn, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to promoting the borough's cultural resources, is also providing administrative and financial services for 651.
And you don't think the corporations dedicated to peddling addictive substances at junk prices bear any blame?
ArtsBoston is a not-for-profit corporation, dedicated to assisting the performing arts industry in Boston, MA.
In 1990 he moved to central Virginia and founded Radical Honesty Enterprises, a private corporation dedicated to promoting honesty in the world.
In 1997 she co-founded Poisoned Pen Press, a separate corporation dedicated to publishing excellence in mystery, making available originals and reprints.
Established in 2012, Arts Connection is a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to making the arts accessible to diverse audiences living and working in the county.
Our votes must be counted by a nonpartisan public agency dedicated to accuracy, not by a private corporation dedicated to its bottom line.
That's when I read about these big patriotic corporations dedicated to a drug-free America.