Another $10 million was raised through donations and corporate funding.
The Guggenheim is also counting on public, private and corporate funding to cover operating costs.
In the US, corporate funding for the brigades will top $12 million this year.
Besides corporate funding, it has raised about a third of its $16 million budget from private donations.
The fear that all corporate and government funding for the arts would dry up.
Federal, foundation and corporate funding are all available to support state and community projects.
By the year 2002-2003, the amount of corporate funding to Australian political parties had risen to $69.4 million.
During the 1990s, these issues were addressed by opening the Science Centre to corporate funding.
Unlike many of his competitors, Reeve did not have corporate funding.
"It's essential that corporate funding of one form or another be found," he added, to save the remains, which might disappear in the next century.