With Gmail, that puts Google in direct competition with Microsoft for the corporate desktop.
I've begun to explore it as a solution for corporate desktops.
Apple now has an 11 percent share of the corporate desktop, up from 9.1" a year ago.
Apparently about 50 percent of corporate desktops are still using Windows 2000 because it works.
So about half of the corporate desktops are using Windows 2000.
XiTi performed its measurements on a weekend, which means it captured a disproportionate number of home users and comparatively few corporate desktops.
Microsoft, already dominant on the corporate desktop, was beginning to make a bid for two Unix strongholds: technical workstations and the enterprise data center.
When they first began capturing corporate desktops a dozen years ago, personal computers were simply personal productivity tools, like a calculator or a typewriter.
Windows Vista is now installed on almost one out of eight corporate desktops.
Now, employees are going to be annoyed because they're not going to be able to install their own software and run them on corporate desktops.