Artists do not wake up and order their genius, like a sandwich from the corner deli.
Even the corner deli may be in danger, he said, because of competitors willing to pay higher rent.
You're to go nowhere, not the office, not the corner deli, without both of them.
They make a decent cup down at the corner deli.
"The flowers were not a bunch you get from the corner deli for $7," she remembered.
It's the type you long to spend a fortune on at the corner deli.
I can't even go down to the corner deli to buy milk without the guy behind the counter offering to introduce me to his daughter.
She never comes to the store; it's just at the corner deli on Hicks.
They know if I walk outside to go to the corner deli.
There's one in the corner deli where I get my morning coffee and bagel.