It reports a core membership of 5 million and says it serves a constituency two to three times that large.
I instinctively feel the core membership of the party is ready for this.
Fraph says it has several thousand members, though military and intelligence officials say its core membership consists of fewer than 500.
Among them, they represented the core membership of the most powerful group in the entire People's Republic.
We must encourage more of the Booksellers Association's core membership.
The TW had a core membership of about 15 people.
It has a core membership of two delegates from each city, one female and one male.
We're down to a core membership right now.
The core membership was established with a minimal number of major players in the Retail industry, so that initial work could proceed quickly.
It was agreed that the core membership will be augmented by experts, as and when necessary, according to the nature of sites being discussed.