And now one of the nation's core institutions - the priesthood - is coming under pressure in this country where 95 percent of the people are Buddhist.
It is the core institution of Johns Hopkins, offering comprehensive undergraduate education and graduate training in the humanities, natural and social sciences.
"While America will never be the same, some of our core institutions are continuing to do business as usual."
Kabuto-cho was crowded with the core institutions of Japan's modern economy, including banks, the commodity exchange, and the stock exchange.
Lacking public confidence, core institutions become unstable and lose their ability to govern.
Three core institutions have unified under single independent authority with the act adopted by the parliament and entered into force in June, 2009.
The message seems to be that our core institutions are not as stable as we think.
These privileges extend across a wide range of positions even outside the core institutions of the establishment.
Freedom House assisted the post-Communist societies in the establishment of independent media, non-governmental think tanks, and the core institutions of electoral politics.
By 1987, as new facilities continued to be added to the core institution, student numbers reached 6 000, and nearly 15 000 twelve years later.