To some, repeated rejection only fortifies their resolve to stay the course, as if surrender would mean the abandonment of a core identity.
Including how to appear a lot dumber than I really am while carefully leading them away from my core identity.
These sacra were regarded as preserving the core religious identity of a particular people.
And he ultimately determined, together with the board, that a merger would compromise Carnegie Hall's core identity as the home to many musical groups.
You can revert to the animal basics which form our core identity.
A robot deprived of the core identity which was supposed to be integrated before activation might ?
Others are more surface and the perceived benefits of the contract do not conflict with our core identity.
But their minds didn't have your strength or your core identity, built up and reinforced by master psychs.
Religion is an essential aspect of core identity.
But the label's core identity rests on a remarkable body of recordings made in the 1950s and '60s.