If it isn't stopped, it could build up to a core breach in less than five minutes.
"KerDaq's ship will sustain a core breach in less than a minute."
As M-5 intended, the blast from the core breach took out a fourth ship that had maneuvered too close.
To top it all off, Scotty was supposed to pretend to do his best to stop the core breach.
The design feature made the vessels faster but also more vulnerable to full armor penetration and core breaches.
Yeah, but whatever they do to us will kill them, too, if the tanks rupture or the core breaches.
Captain Fedr didn't seem to much like the thought of a core breach.
The captain instructed him to use his own judgment, and not to call her again unless there was a core breach.
There must have been a core breach or a hull breach.
We would assume it had been dispersed in a hull rupture or a core breach.