The core, based on the Quark microkernel, is proprietary, although several libraries and other parts are open source, such as Ambient desktop.
The central processing unit (CPU) consists of eight x86-64 cores based on the upcoming Jaguar CPU architecture from AMD.
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines a set of core based statistical areas (CBSAs) throughout the country.
San Diego-Tijuana consists of an aggregation of two core based statistical areas linked strongly by commuter ties where the commuting population is daily over 300,000 people.
The core based statistical area (CBSA) as designated by the OMB.
The A.V. Club continued, "...The season-two episode "Peter" finally dramatized the moment that changed [Peter's] life, giving the series' overarching storyline a devastating emotional core, based in a father's love instead of in theoretical concepts.
The divide between cultures is more vivid in Cuba, given its recent isolation and its ethnic core heavily based on the black slave population sent long ago to work the country's lucrative sugar cane.
Single core SoC's based on Cortex A9.
It was a great insectile-looking place, its central core based inside an oblong, hollowed-out asteroid some five kilometers long, with fourteen subsidiary-process struts reaching out above and below the core in a delicate and fragile-looking construction of gantries and spars.
This may be achieved by occasional data re-partition among cores based on load balancing (data access balancing) and patterns of data usage by transactions.