But even assuming we can break up the cartels, copyright should not last 10% of what it does now.
The copyright in a work made for hire, however, lasts for a fixed term of 95 years from the date of the work's creation.
A copyright lasts for a finite time, specifically 70 years after the death of the author.
This copyright lasts for the same period as broadcast copyright.
Also worth noting is that copyright notice has never been required on "unpublished" works, the copyright of which may last for well over 100 years.
The average copyright now lasts 95 years, and copyrights need no longer be renewed to survive.
The Copyright Renewal Act of 1992 removed the renewal requirement, so that all copyrights would last the same term.
One can argue about how long copyright should last, but authorship is forever.
A copyright on a work lasts for 50 years after the death of the author or artist.
The Fundamentals defined that copyright lasted throughout the life of the author; individual republics of the union were free to define shorter terms.