Reid agreed to insert a set of time-dependent functions (called "time bombs") that would deactivate freely copied versions of the program after a 90-day expiration date.
Users of shareware are encouraged to copy and distribute unregistered versions of the software to friends, coworkers and other acquaintances.
Moreover, some 90 percent of Chinese computers run illegally copied versions of Microsoft's software.
Imported buses are from Europe and copied versions from China.
Utilizing the Xploder disc for the original PlayStation, users have found it possible to boot backup or copied versions of their games.
There were later copied versions, mainly by German artists:
Pirated and copied versions of Falun Gong books proliferate, with Li Hongzhi's approval.
With most legitimate Indonesian cassettes costing over Rp.12,000 each, vendors of illegally copied versions priced at Rp.6,000 or less can attract many buyers.
He experimented further with drawing technique in Paris, creating a "progressive, narrative transformation of the original image" by using a Xerox to copy multiple redrawn versions of an original.