But these new top-grade tapes allow audio fans to copy CD's easily and effectively with only slight sonic loss.
Few people in China realize you cannot copy CD's.
When listeners tried to copy CD's onto tapes, they found that conventional tapes could not capture the full range of sound contained on digital recordings.
The device features the ability to burn DVD's with recorded movies and television programs and it allows users to copy CD's to a hard drive.
Now, stackable stereo components that copy CD's to an internal hard drive aren't new.
In other words, this circuit provides extra headroom and is particularly useful when copying CD's, which often contain lots of high-level treble.
Cassette decks are increasingly used for copying CD's, and the character of digital sound makes close monitoring essential.
I was told that it is possible to copy CD to CD for future presentations.
Instead, Mr. Shey said, Yamaha designed the device for people who want to copy CD's without compromising their original fidelity.
This is particularly important when copying CD's, which often contain lots of high-level treble.