To end the conflict, Smuts sought to take a major target, the copper-mining town of Okiep.
Cries like this are echoed by ordinary people in neighborhood after neighborhood of this copper-mining town.
President Chiluba was born in the copper-mining town of Kitwe in April 1943.
A former copper-mining town located 139 km west from Julia Creek.
Among towns and cities whose citizens joined the demonstrations was the southwestern copper-mining town of Lubin in Lower Silesian Voivodeship.
Venus Alley rose in the 1880s during the heyday of Butte as a wide-open copper-mining town, full of hundreds of saloons and gambling halls.
Robert Craig Knievel was born in the copper-mining town of Butte, Mont., the son of parents who broke up when he was young.
Butte is a tough, brawling copper-mining town.
Here a footbridge is used to cross the river and access historic McCarthy and the abandoned copper-mining town of Kennicott.
The once-prosperous copper-mining town of Eholt, British Columbia, suffered a fire that destroyed most of its business district.