The shot had almost severed the slender copper tubing of the fuel line.
I think we could do it with that copper tubing the plumber left here last week when he was working on your bathroom.
The exhaled gas was cooled by sea water after passing through copper tubing.
In each hand she held a locator of copper tubing and steel wire.
Some of the most startling new designs use materials like iron rods or copper tubing.
We are near the action and Conn is desperately gathering copper tubing.
In each hand she gripped a short length of copper tubing.
He said one student was producing as her thesis performance a work in which dancers manipulate large forms made of copper tubing.
To teach your students about heat capacity you can use an open flame, a dollar bill and hollow copper tubing.
"The price of copper tubing jumped 30 percent in just the last few weeks," he complained.