The roofer says that he cannot cover this with tiles because putting nails into the copper sheeting could cause leaks.
A model schooner fashioned of rough-edged copper sheeting and brass wire sat on the hearth.
The distinctive green copper roof was replaced with stainless steel in 2011-2012 after a number of thefts of copper sheeting.
The building was built in an L shape from a top view and the roof is made of copper sheeting.
The original copper on the dome melted so it was replaced with new copper sheeting.
A skeleton framework for holding the hemispherical plates was built, but the copper sheeting was never applied to it.
Eiffel devised a structure consisting of a four legged pylon to support the copper sheeting which made up the body of the statue.
Other outdoor sculptures include Grace Knowlton's boulders made of copper sheeting and in some cases painted white.
The temple is generally known as the Brass Pagoda from the copper sheeting of its roof.
Each of the petals was unique: individually designed using 3D modelling, hand beaten from copper sheeting and polished by traditionally skilled craftsmen.