Additional copper ornaments are found hanging below these rows, in the shape of difficult-to-describe warped spear tips, the largest of which is centralized.
She brought back a number of objects including gold and silver and copper ornaments, and a cargo of spices to prove it.
They harvested maize, beans, and pumpkins, and were noted for their copper ornaments.
They dressed in fox and deer skin and adorned themselves with copper ornaments.
They wore padded garments studded with copper ornaments, boots and brimless hats of crumpled leather.
For example, an abundance of tools, copper ornaments, and objects made from imported raw materials suggest high rank of an individual.
Leave the red hair, but twist some copper ornaments in it.
Several other copper ornaments have been found in nearby locations.
Her hair was a huge black beehive surmounted by a bizarre headdress consisting of feathers, flowers, and cheap copper ornaments.
She moved over to the desk and stood looking down, as if counting the copper ornaments.