A copper boiler to heat water would be even more welcome.
A bath of sorts was constructed and filled from the copper boiler.
With his precious Guinea, he bought a copper boiler, which he sold in Calcutta for £30.
The kitchen was spick and span: the cook said you could see yourself in the big copper boilers.
There his family found a note telling them to look in a copper boiler.
The compartments were placed inside a wheel that lay flat inside a copper boiler.
There was the the cod liver what would for animals, that well, the method that used to be used, put it into the copper boiler.
A big copper boiler, with a little warm water and the heat would separate the oil, you see?
It had a bronze gargoyle at the peak of its bell-jar-shaped copper boiler.
Also marked with the mess number, it was used to carry hot food from the copper boilers in the galley to the table.