HCCA is generally considered the most advanced (and complex) coordination function.
President Carter's assertive national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, took charge, and the coordination function remained thereafter in the White House.
It supports the strategy and administration of the Australian Defence Organisation and maintains intelligence and security strategy and coordination functions:
By default they use a Carrier sensing mechanism called 'exponential backoff', or (Distributed coordination function) that relies upon a station attempting to 'listen' for another station's broadcast before sending.
Book provision in any one system is centrally coordinated - though in very large systems a regional or subsystem structure may take over many of the coordination functions.
The European Agency will have to fulfil a coordination function, whilst respecting the independence of the national agencies.
The exercise of this coordination function, and I weigh my words carefully, as concluded by the Heads of State and Government must not tomorrow be abused.
It would eviscerate the coordination function of the national security adviser, invite budgetary rivalry with the homeland security secretary and guarantee operational clashes with military officers in the field.
The basic 802.11 MAC layer uses the distributed coordination function (DCF) to share the medium between multiple stations.
The original 802.11 MAC defines another coordination function called the point coordination function (PCF).