Implementation agreements are based on requirements developed cooperatively by end-users, service providers, equipment vendors and technology providers in alignment with worldwide standards, augmented as necessary.
"The Millennium Project," developed cooperatively by master's degree students at the University of Tennessee under the director Henryk Baranowski, took a similarly feminist tack.
Both NASA and ESA started cooperatively developing new probes.
The Virginia School Leaders Institute (VSLI) is a concept developed cooperatively in the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide a transition and mentoring relationship for new school leaders.
AHHHA is a crowdsourcing site where innovators and contributors cooperatively develop new ideas into commercial products.
But other products, developed cooperatively, are expected in the future of what was described as a long-term agreement.
Most of the development follows the Carolina Forest Master Plan developed cooperatively between International Paper and the Horry County Government.
In 1987 the three departments cooperatively developed a pamphlet titled "Leave No Trace Land Ethics."
The group, called the Globus Consortium, will cooperatively develop software tools more suited for business uses of grid computing, and educate companies about the technology and its potential.
LEAD: The Digital Equipment Corporation and Cray Research Inc. said today that they would cooperatively develop and market computer products that link their respective systems.