And the longer the women engaged in a cooperative strategy, the more strongly flowed the blood to the pathways of pleasure.
They concluded that the cooperative strategy could not work in rural Bangladesh.
Can workers and management develop the cooperative strategies necessary to compete with the Japanese on American soil?
Players were shown engaging in cooperative strategies.
Even before the negotiation process starts, people in a positive mood have more confidence, and higher tendencies to plan to use a cooperative strategy.
This conflict style can be considered an extension of both "yielding" and "cooperative" strategies.
The woman, adopting a cooperative strategy taught in class, lay there passively and said she was all right.
Session 2 covered "Ways to strengthen the cooperative strategy of worldwide issues such as global financial crisis, energy security and climatic change."
While Service handled political discussions, Barrett was in charge of working out a cooperative military strategy.
Such efforts to develop a cooperative strategy were unsuccessful.