In addition, a group of Syrian military intelligence agents "cooperates with Lebanese forces," the officials said.
They could also act as bases from which defenders could make sorties against isolated groups of barbarians and to cooperate with relieving forces.
American forces were authorized to cooperate with other foreign forces, but not to participate in joint military actions.
The Pakistani guard was part of a unit cooperating with American forces on border control.
If they cooperated with Soviet forces against the invaders from beyond the moon, they were not to be harmed.
Guerrillas have been waging a campaign of murder against those who cooperate with American forces here.
The group warned companies not to cooperate with American forces here.
The country cooperated with allied forces during the 1990-1991 Gulf War.
Mr. Williams said the Iraqis were cooperating with American forces by clearing mines near the border.
Coalition forces also cooperated with Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the north.