He said he strongly supported the view that Iraq's refusal to cooperate with United Nations inspectors posed a significant threat to security in the region.
Iraq has in recent days refused to cooperate further with United Nations weapons inspectors.
Mr. Mubarak sees a unified Arab position as the best way to persuade Iraq to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors and avoid an American-led attack.
Officials in many Arab countries are hoping that Saddam Hussein will cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors to head off an American-led attack.
But he made no pledges to cooperate with United Nations arms inspectors who are preparing to return to Iraq after a nearly four-year hiatus.
It has cooperated with United Nations inspectors seeking to destroy Iraq's major weapons systems.
On the same day, Iraq announced it would no longer cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors.
Deployed to Southwest Asia in response to Iraq's refusal to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors, 18 February - 3 June 1998.
President Clinton had backed off a similar attack only weeks ago when it appeared that Iraq might cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors.
They are concerned, though, about his refusal to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors.