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We'll give things another month or so to cool off.
For the time being she would go and cool off.
They can all cool off until the matter's out of our hands.
I turn away from the two for a while to let me cool off.
At such times he needs to be alone to cool off and find his control again.
She needed an hour to cool off and to plan.
Maybe when things cool off, we can try this again.
Here's one way to cool off a hot idea for a movie.
Went for a walk to cool off, that sort of thing.
To cool off the house, George had to have some fresh air.
"Maybe he just needs a little time to cool off."
Maybe she should wait a bit to give him a chance to cool off.
"You needed time to cool off and get it together."
I'll keep your gun until you cool off and get a little sense.
The right to a cooling off period in many cases.
Just sit here and wait for things to cool off.
To lose himself in work for a while, to let both of them cool off.
During the summer these same people ask, "When is it going to cool off?"
Was not told until weeks later after time to cool off and see benefits.
Music will try to cool off the July night air this week.
By the time it was over we had cooled off.
And then, after Christmas, they both seemed to cool off.
Better to let her cool off for a while, he convinced himself.
In the summer, these rooms cool off more quickly at night.
"We're going to have to let things cool off for a while."