Several new channels had been cut through this landscape, but even the cool rock was extremely irregular.
Stretching out, she laid her hot cheek against the cool rock and breathed in uneven gasps.
For a long time afterwards, there was darkness, and cool rock, and the river running by.
Quentin placed his palms on the cool moist rock and pushed.
She lay down on the floor, pressing her ear against the cool rock.
They sat on the smooth, cool rock in the shade of one enormous willow at the water's edge and ate lunch cheer- fully together.
She sagged right down onto the cool rock, and tried to imagine what could have gone wrong.
There's this really cool rock in the middle of a tidal pool, and I just love to sit there.
It's so weird-everyone genuinely tried to find a cool rock.
Domor lay on his side on a shelf of cool rock, still and silent.