As a musical format, the Internet is a much cooler medium.
They are found in cool, clear medium to large streams and sometimes in larger, warm rivers that carry silt.
Television is fabled as a "cool" medium, radio is known as a "hot" one.
He pushed hard with his legs underwater, his arms pulling him forward strongly, smoothly through the cool and silent medium.
Maybe, during that campaign, the cool medium of television made her sharp words seem like outbursts.
Like television, the book is a cool medium; Bennett's anger is convincing because he holds it in check.
So what happens when a cool medium like television is attached to a hot weapon like a tank or a Bradley fighting vehicle?
Judge Bork's know-it-all assertiveness had proved too hot for the cool medium.
"Twentieth-century television was a 'cool' medium, because the images were smaller than you."
Most of the credit for this victory belongs to a truly titanic performance from the man playing the famously sweaty victim of a cool medium.