"We want to reach out to the nerd group and the cool group, and the surfers and the skaters," Dylan added.
Game Chronicles saw a strength where others found weakness, saying "while small in numbers, I think you would be hard pressed to find a cooler group of folks".
Modifications were made (cooler groups, water tanks and silencer were mounted in roof sections over the equipment room) and very little of the progenitor locomotive layout remained.
They were the coolest group of women".
"In high school, I wasn't ever a member of the cool group," she says.
The overhaul is expected to pay particular attention to cooler group, bogies and electrical and electronic components.
Is there a cool group within your network of online friends?
"George was very much in the 'cool' group, and it seemed to me that he wasn't that interested in those who weren't," said Robert P. Marshall, a more scholarly classmate.
Dylan said of the brand that they wanted to "reach out to the nerd group and the cool group" and "appeal to everybody".
This gallery opens its new Chelsea space with a cool group show that (mostly) combines texts and image.