And the salads that come with dinner also served nicely as a first course; the crisp, cool greens arrived under a well-balanced house dressing.
The water far below is as clear as crystal, and in its depths I see the red rock stained with cool, mossy greens.
A door near the dressing table showed the cool green of bathroom tiles.
The room was large and furnished in cool restful greens and blues.
He shrugged, staring out across the cool green of the lagoon.
The point-counterpoint of hot seafood and cool greens made for a terrific dish.
It provided a marvelous contrast of warm crunchy meat and cool greens.
Making another starter unnecessary, a salad of cool crisp greens came with dinner.
He led her into the woods, into the cool green of the forest.
Colors include warm rose and purple, cool greens and blues.