The turning point for the yet-unnamed group came on a cool autumn evening in 1941.
They stood in their trousers, pale faces fixed, but sweating instead of shivering in the cool autumn morning.
There were only three cars in the parking lot this cool autumn afternoon.
His publicized temperature is that of cool autumn, at 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
The ideal conditions for brilliant autumn colours are a warm wet spring combined with a sunny cool autumn.
In this cool autumn night, the glimmering rain slipping through her fingers proved to be unexpectedly warm.
Blaise sat beside the Chief in the back of his motor car, the top put down the better to enjoy the display, and the cool autumn night.
ON a cool autumn night, Shanghai is drenched in light.
Even in the cool autumn night, he was sweating, his senses sharp with fear.
There was a kinship here between the citizens that really became apparent on a cool autumn day like today.